07947 249 743


Treatments with you at the centre

 Therapy & Approach

Facial Therapy

Skin care with a speciality of caring for you through the stages of life. Specialising with Pregnancy and Menopausal skins and the effects of  stress this vital organ.

Scar Massage Therapy

 Scars are often choosen to be ignored for obvious reasons but with this treatment that is gentle and supportive we can aim to improve movement and reduce the long term impact of adehsions as well as promoting healthy repair.

Menopause Coaching

Regardless of if you are peri, menopausal or post we all need guidance in this phase of life.

If you’re on HRT or going without, wellness coaching can help you naviagate as you enter your “Second Spring”

At this point of life its a time to refect, embrace and empower yourself as you allow your wisdom to shine through and discover what works for you.


Wellness sessions

Specific coaching to wellness bespoke to your needs. We can concentrate o the specifics to help build your unique toolbox and how you to regulate and balance. 

Online programmes

A great way to take wellness at your pace. its programmes packed with information. This is a great way to support yourself when the time and space becomes available to you.




07947 249 743

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